I… was a teenage anime

Look at me not posting for months! Even though I promised a Spectrum wrap-up post! Well, my seriously fraught move into DC has finally kinda-sorta resolved and now I have something awesome to talk about which does not involve terrible surprises!


And that is… this thing my friend Brandon made and released at SPX! (if you follow me on twitter, there was an indiegogo campaign for it). It’s a mini comic anthology collecting stories from a bunch of us artists who had transformative and/or embarrassing stories to relate about our teenage encounters with anime.

Who else contributed? Oh, just a bunch of seriously talented and internet-famous comic artists who make me feel all woobly to have work beside…


Somehow, my comic ended up being first.


I have a beautiful brown paper package tied up with string by Brandon himself, all full of copies. So if you’re jonesing for one of your own, go ahead and drop me a line! A whole world of teenage anime experiences, all for just $8 + shipping!